Sunday, March 14, 2010

Midterm Reflection

1. Because of the ideas in this course I have started to view media in an entirely new way. That's what I've learned. I was watching Katt Williams do stand up recently and thought, 'Who writes these jokes? Is this all his material? How much improvisation is involved?' I was questioning the ownership of the material and the program itself, and that questioning showed me how I've been changing from this course.

2. As a critical reader I've realized that it is important to consider the stories that are not being told. Taking something at face value can be deceptive and influential in ways that you might not have intended.

As a writer I need to remember that I'm writing for an audience, not just for myself. I have to make the transition from private to public.

As a thinker I've began to consider why something is being shown, not just what is being shown. I'm now thinking about who owns this and what message it is really showing. I wonder what demographics a commercial is appealing to and judge if it does it well or not.

3. I would've liked Twitter to be introduced from the start. I read an article that said 79% of twitter accounts don't have more than 10 tweets, so the network seems to be largely used as a news feed from whoever you want. If the class is engaged in this the entire course they may find some of the ideas of the course reflected in the community of twitter and Web 2.0.

4. I don't know what the agenda is for the rest of the semester, but I would like to learn about historical and/or current events that are contributing to the massive changes and technological advancements of the 21st century media culture.

5. The course blog is an easier-to-use version of Angel in some ways. It is quite easy to clarify what is due when by going to the blog. It is especially effective because the posting order compliments the structure of a class.

Hilliard's book has been great so far. It is great as showing rather than just telling as well as makes several allusions that give its readers (students mostly) some more familiarity. The videos shown have been great and have served their purpose quit well every time.

As for the personal blog, this is a good way to keep the work done organized as well as introduce students to the blogosphere. It allows students to customize the feel of their assignments with the many tools available as well as gives them/us something to look back to with ease.

1 comment:

  1. EXCELLENT mid-term reflections and feedback, Ted.

    You cover much ground here - thanks for sharing your thoughts.

    Feed the fish. More Twitter sooner. Got it.

    See you soon,

    Dr. W
